- Feel sad what phenomenon be? How to avoid? 感觉到伤心是什么现象?如何避免?
- Why did they feel sad? What did they lose? 奴隶们为什么忧伤?他们失去了什么?
- I'll be with you when you feel sad anytime. 不论什么时候,当你感到难过伤心的时候,我都将陪伴着你。
- The exclusion of women from the temple made them feel sad. 妇女被排斥于寺院之外使得她们很难过。
- That you almost feel sad because nothing can ever be this good again. 甚至你会感到悲伤因为不可能有什么能比这更好了。
- When we say our final lal salaams I feel sad to be leaving these comrades. 当我们最后互致革命敬礼时,我为离开这些同志们感到难过。
- Torch songs always make me feel sad . 伤感的流行歌曲总让我感到悲伤。
- To feel sad with the coming of autumn. 悲秋,对着秋风哭泣。
- The deep dinning hall maks me feel sad deeply. 祖国花朵摧残记实祖国花朵摧残记实深深学校食堂深深伤心。
- Even if I did it myself, you would feel sad, right? 如果我自己来做,你们也会觉得难过,是吗?
- If we lose a beloved relative we'll feel sad. 当我们失去一位亲人,我们会感到悲哀。
- The condition of feeling sad or despondent. 忧愁,沮丧感到伤心,失望的样子
- And after that we always feel sad. 我们总因为这样而感到伤心。
- Factitious what can feel sadness? 人为什么会觉得悲伤?
- When a close friend dies, you cannot but feel sad. 亲密的朋友去世时,你不能不悲伤。
- I will feel sad to say good-bye to you. 与您道别我感到很伤心。
- Torch song always make me feel sad. 伤感的流行歌曲总让我感到悲伤。
- Loeb says that many more examples of the phenomenon are now likely to be found. 洛布说,还有更多这种现象的例子现在可被发现了。
- When someone alse is sad, she feel sad,too. 别人难过的时候,她也会感到难过。
- The causes of the phenomenon are still incompletely understood. 造成这种现象的原因尚未彻底弄清。